After the carpets are cleaned, then little to no activity is recommended for avoiding re-soiling and mishaps. Nevertheless, after it dries completely, be careful walking on the hard surfaces from carpets.

Dead skins and humid damp surroundings help the dust mites to survive, and so they are seen in bed covers that are not vacuumed frequently. The dust mites might significantly reduce with cleaning the carpets, but if the conditions are again dust-mites friendly, then they will wait no longer to return. Regular vacuuming, clean air and zero food sources will be decreasing the dust mites.

The cleaning time for carpets and upholstery is dependent on materials, damage type and project size. The time required for setting up and moving furniture also determines the time length. Generally, cleaning time is restricted to a few hours for small to medium-sized homes. The carpets and upholstery also need drying time after some hours.

Our cleaning times vary from project to project. If we can clean a carpet type and upholstery furniture in only a few hours, then the larger carpets and upholstered furniture will need a lot of steps and processes for deriving a high-quality outcome. Our experienced cleaning experts shall provide you with the time and cost estimate when you consult them.

Most upholstered furniture dries up within two to three hours, but the heavily upholstered furniture will take overnight to fully dry. Fabric and soiling condition defines it all.

The manufacturers recommend hiring professional upholstery cleaning services every 24 – 48 months. But if the kids, pets, asthmatic or allergic patients are at home, then the upholstery items need frequent cleanings for improving air quality as well as the home's overall healthfulness.

As suggested by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), residential carpets should be cleaned every 3 – 6 months. At home, if anyone is infected with allergies, has asthma or you have pets and kids at home, then carpets should be frequently cleaned. A home's appearance improves with regular cleaning, while the germs and allergens are eliminated which further improves the indoor air quality of the home and extends the carpet's life.

Humidity levels, airflow, and the carpet type determine the drying time. Generally, turning the air-conditioner or fans accelerate dry times. After we are done with professional cleaning, the carpets typically dry within 1 – 2 hours. Still, the carpets might take a longer drying time sometimes for distinct reasons.

If not treated properly on time, pet odours will continue to linger. With urine gradually drying in the rugs, carpets or upholstery and their padding – the left behind countless concentrated urine crystals solidify their pungency. By using specialized pet urine removal treatments, our cleaners explode the urine crystals for breaking the enzymes down, thus eliminating the pet urine odour.

We avoid steam cleaning since it includes soap and detergents in the carpet cleaning process that leaves behind a sticky residue attracting dirt, thus leading to quick carpet re-soiling, after cleaning is done. At Absolute Cleaning, our cleaners use all-natural biodegradable carpet and upholstery cleaning solutions that are absolutely free from harsh chemicals, soaps and detergents. Thus there is no question of sticky or filmy residues remaining behind for attracting dirt.